Available Services
Over 75 Health Assessment
Duration: 1hr - BULK BILLED
Eligibility: People 75 years and over (1 service per year)
Purpose: To assess overall health, ensure preventative health screenings are up to date and check eligibility for additional Medicare service
Skin Checks
Duration: 30 mins
Cost: Depends on time taken
According to the Cancer Council 2 out of 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer at some point during their lifetime. If you are concerned about your skin simply book a long appointment with one of our doctors.
Travel Advice
​Vaccination Advice
Medication Certificates
Fitness to Travel Certification
45-49 Health Assessment
Duration: 1hr - BULK BILLED
Eligibility: People 45 to 49 years (1 service per person)
Purpose: To assess overall health, ensure preventative health screenings are up to date and check eligibility for additional Medicare service
Mental Health
Duration: 30 mins
Eligibility: Anyone with a Medicare card
Purpose: Allows patients to claim a Medicare rebate for up to 10 psychologist sessions per year
Used to treat chronic pain acupuncture is a holistic therapy that works by stimulating the CNS (central nervous system)
Chronic Disease Management
Duration: 30​ mins
Eligibility: Anyone with a chronic condition that has lasted 6 month +
Purpose: To allow access to Medicare rebates for allied health services not normally covered to assist in chronic disease management.
Womens Health
​Implanon Insertion/Removal
Cervical Screening
Shared Antenatal Care
Sexual Health Check
Family Planning
Minor Surgery
Duration: 30 mins
Removal and testing of minor skin lesions under local anaesthetic
Cost: dependant on time and size/number of lesions
Iron Infusion
Duration: 1hr
Eligibility: Determined by doctor
Fee: $150 (no rebate) + consult fee
Mens Health
​​​​General Physical
Cardiovascular Health
Preventative Screening
Sexual Health Check
Wound Care
​Duration: 30 mins
Treatment of skin tears, minor cuts that require stiches and post operative wound care.
BULK BILLED (except initial consult with doctor)
Childhood and Catch-up Immunisations
Duration: 15 mins
Eligibility: Children and anyone under 20 years who did not have the scheduled immunisations
Childrens Health
Check vaccinations are up to date
Track development milestones
Assess physical growth
Specialist Referrals