2 Sept 2024
The 2024 patient survey is now complete! Check out the results.
Over the past 2 months patients have been randomly selected to participate in our patient survey. We value the feedback we receive from our patients and endeavour to make changes to improve the quality of care we provide to our community. We would like to thank everyone who participated, and if you were not selected but would like to provide feedback please speak to reception or email our Practice Manager Erin at admin@electrapark.com.au.
Below are the results of the 2024 Electra Park Medical Centre Patient Survey:
As a team we try our best to make sure that you are seen as close to your appointment time as possible, however we often have to deal with unexpected situations that can cause significant delays. We understand that this can be very frustrating to our patients and the results of the Patient Experience Survey indicated there was room for us to improve in this area.
We have developed a company policy to inform patients of the number of people waiting ahead of them when they arrive for their appointment. As we don’t know how long each individual appointment will take, we are unable to give exact times but we hope that this will provide our patients with more transparency with regards to waiting times. We will also endeavour to call patients to advise of any extremely long wait times, where circumstances permit.
Many of the patients who responded to our survey indicated that they were unaware of the measures that Electra Park Medical Centre has in place to keep patient information confidential. We have placed a laminated copy of our updated Privacy Policy in our waiting room for patients to read. If you would like a copy to take home, please ask the reception team. We will also be updating our website so our privacy policy will be available to read online.
One of the most common responses to our patient survey was the need for more doctors on site. We are actively recruiting for another General Practitioner across several recruitment platforms. While we are keen to add additional healthcare professionals to the Electra Park team, we are also being careful to make sure that we preserve the quality of care that our patients have come to expect.
We are also seeking to add Allied Health Professionals to the Electra Park team and have begun the process of recruitment. We will keep you updated on our progress via our noticeboard, website and Facebook page.
At the beginning of the year, we cancelled our online booking agreement with HotDoc as we only had one doctor available to take online appointments. We are currently looking at signing a new agreement with an online booking company in response to the feedback we have received from our patient survey. Our plan is that our online booking system will recommence when we have a start date for a new healthcare provider.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey, and we hope that the changes we will be implementing over the coming months improve your experience at Electra Park.
At the end of May 2024 Melbourne Pathology removed the collection centre from Electra Park and as a result we were not longer able to collect blood for pathology testing. It was indicated in the survey that patients would like to see this service returned. Electra Park is happy to report we are now able to begin performing onsite blood tests again. Please see reception to book an appointment.